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The Kitchen Sink

Listen to Invent America!

Hi Everyone, Wanted to invite you to Listen to Invent America! Invent America is part of the HomeTalk USA radio show.  It has been syndicated across America for 24 years.  Adding the Invent America segment last October was our way of providing good, honest information to American inventors.  Now that we have 6 months of […]

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What does it cost

What Money Do You Spend First

What Money Do You Spend First I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about what the first steps should be for an inventor and what money needs to be spent on initially.  Inventing is not easy, and it is not free.  Coming up with your idea may be free, but I can’t sell an […]

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Why Is Joining a Group so Important

Why Is Joining a Group so Important I’ve been adding on a caveat to all my videos lately about the virtual meetings that are available for everyone to attend.  You may be wondering why I take the time to mention this every video- Because there’s immense value in attending meetings that allow you to converse […]

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Intellectual Property

What kind of documentation do Inventors Need

  What kind of documentation do Inventors Need There are a couple documents that any inventor working on getting an idea to market need as they will be working with service providers.  Protecting your intellectual property is critical to success.  The first one is a non-discloser/non-compete (NDA/NC).  I do a video specific to this topic […]

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Intellectual Property

Be Careful of the Attorney You Pick

  So how do you pick a patent attorney?  Over the past 20 years, I’ve dealt with a significant number of attorneys.  I’m even married to one.  He’s taught me a great deal about working with them and how to filter out the good ones. First of all, you need a registered patent attorney.  Attorneys […]

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The Kitchen Sink

Wait I really … I really need a Patent?

Filing a patent can be one of the most important aspects of your journey to the marketplace with your invention.  As such, I think it’s a good idea to go over some of the basic terms associated with filing a patent on your intellectual property so that you better understand the options. What is intellectual […]

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Got an Idea Whats next? Call The Inventor Lady

So You’ve Got an Idea, What’s Next?   One of the reasons I recommend joining some type of inventor’s group is because it introduces you to other inventors and allows the opportunity for you to hear their stories and the mistakes they have made on their journey.  Often times, inventors new to the process can […]

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Inventor Round Tables
August 8 (06:00 pm)
Online event

The Inventors Roundtable and Invent America are dedicated to helping inventors understand and naviga...

August 8 (06:00 pm)
Online event

The focus of the Inventors Roundtable Virtual West Meetup Group is to create a safe, free environmen...

August 26 (07:00 pm)
Online event

The IRT Virtual meetings last about 90 minutes. We meet on the 2nd Thursday and the 4th Monday of ea...

September 12 (06:00 pm)
Online event

The Inventors Roundtable and Invent America are dedicated to helping inventors understand and naviga...

September 12 (06:00 pm)
Online event

The focus of the Inventors Roundtable Virtual West Meetup Group is to create a safe, free environmen...

September 23 (07:00 pm)
Online event

The IRT Virtual meetings last about 90 minutes. We meet on the 2nd Thursday and the 4th Monday of ea...

October 10 (06:00 pm)
Online event

The focus of the Inventors Roundtable Virtual West Meetup Group is to create a safe, free environmen...

October 10 (06:00 pm)
Online event

The Inventors Roundtable and Invent America are dedicated to helping inventors understand and naviga...

October 28 (07:00 pm)
Online event

The IRT Virtual meetings last about 90 minutes. We meet on the 2nd Thursday and the 4th Monday of ea...

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The Start-up: Fantasy or Reality?

It’s best when you can bring on a “real partner” (someone who’s going to roll up his or her shirtsleeves) to share in the costs, hard work and rewards without you having to sell your soul to an investor.  

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Inventor News APRIL 24- Professional Tradeshows / WARNINGS

Professional tradeshows aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. While there are benefits to attending, potential attendees should approach these events with a critical eye. For instance, it’s important to be wary of tradeshows that have an inventor section run by a nonprofit organization that claims to represent the interests of independent inventors. More often than not, these nonprofit organizations are simply trying to funnel money into their own pockets at the inventors’ expense. Additionally, it’s a good idea to avoid tradeshows with exhibitor names that are impossible to pronounce and shows that attract a large international following. A high percentage of international attendees may signal that the show has been overrun by foreign entities, meaning a low percentage of attendees are American buyers. It’s also important to pick a professional tradeshow that specifically caters to your industry rather than your status as an inventor. If you follow these rules, you can increase your odds of having a successful experience at a professional tradeshow.

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