Tag: Inventor Resources

  • The Start-up: Fantasy or Reality?

    The Start-up: Fantasy or Reality?

    It’s best when you can bring on a “real partner” (someone who’s going to roll up his or her shirtsleeves) to share in the costs, hard work and rewards without you having to sell your soul to an investor.  

  • The Challenges of Filling Orders

    The Challenges of Filling Orders

    After getting a patent filed, prototypes done, paying for manufacturing, and the crazy cost of marketing, now you have to deal with the fulfillment! For inventors who go into production, fulfillment can be daunting. Learn different options on how to successfully deal with fulfillment from other inventors.

  • Inventor Info – Made in the USA

    Inventor Info – Made in the USA

    Most Americans prefer to buy ‘Made in America,’ and most inventors would rather manufacture in America. Unfortunately, this is not always an option due to cost. The American consumer dictates manufacturing locations based on price. Learn about the factors influencing manufacturing decisions and how some inventors navigate these challenges.

  • Insider Tips for Inventors: Your Tradeshow Success!

    Insider Tips for Inventors: Your Tradeshow Success!

          Top Tips for Inventors: Choosing the Right Tradeshow to Showcase Your Inventions       It has been a crazy few weeks of professional tradeshows; but then this is the season for face to face contact in the Business to Business world of consumer products.       Experience has taught us…

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